Tuesday, April 24, 2007

ana ashtakeet

we made a blog now i have my own blog
finally i can write my stories & share them with you
you better like them or else....
i made the blog with my best friend sunshine hwhahahaha
i hope you enjoy reading my posts


lola said...

at the first ezayk
3ala fekra ente btktbe 7agat 7elwa awi bas nafse akolk enk nask tarkez w bgd ensha allah htb2e 7aga kwaysa w yaret twazfe mawahbk w t3rafe tstghleha sa7.

Banota said...

at the end el7amdolla ya lola
ana fa3lan mosh ba3raf la awazaf mawagbe wala awazaf 7ayate bas 3ade h7awel w ante ma3aya ma 3alena ba2olk hwa ana mastola awe ya3ne